Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The imprtance of water

Water is very important to sustain life on earth. It has a high specific heat which means that it heats up slowly and retains heat longer than other liquids. This helps us as humans when we sweat. The body gets hot and releases heat through sweat.
Helium bonds in water molecules cause cohesion. This is when there is an attraction in water molecules that cause suface tention which make the water molecules sort of "stick together". For example you might see this when there are water droplets on a leaf after it has rained.
Adhesion is when there is attraction between diffirent substances. Like when you spill water over and use a paper towel to clean it up. There is an atraction between water and the towel this is adhesion. Also, the power of adhesion causes capillary action which is when water molecules move upward through a narrow tube such as a straw or the stem of a leaf.
Water also has polarity which means that water has a negative and a positive charge. When something is mixed in water such as salt, sodium which has a positive charge is attracted to the negative oxygens. Chloride which has a negavite charge is attracted to the positive heliums. This makes an even distribution and  the salt "disapears" into the water.
When compounds that form hydrogen ions are dissolved in water they make a substance called acid. When acid is added to water the hydrogen ions increase. On the other hand, compounds that reduce hydrogen ions are called bases.
All of this is part of the perfectly balanced world we live in. Without any of this we wouldn't even be alive.

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